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In collaboration with Jacana Media
South Africa has produced two leaders who achieved global recognition: Jan Smuts and Nelson Mandela. The former was much celebrated for playing a significant role in reconstructing international architecture after both world wars; the latter remains globally admired for his leading part in drawing South Africa back from racial war and becoming a democracy. Today, however, whereas Mandela remains a much-admired global icon, Smuts’ reputation is diminished, with contemporary historians citing his racism and role in constructing the foundations of apartheid South Africa.
Duration 60min
No Interval
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.
In samewerking met Jacana Media
Suid-Afrika het twee leiers opgelewer wat wêreldwyd erkenning geniet het: Jan Smuts en Nelson Mandela. Waar Smuts erkenning kry vir sy belangrike bydrae tot die herskepping van die internasionale argitektuur na afloop van die twee wêreldoorloë, sal Mandela onthou word as versoenende leier wat ons vreedsaam na ’n demokrasie gelei het. Vandag word Mandela egter steeds as ’n internasionale ikoon beskou, terwyl Smuts se reputasie erge skade ly namate hedendaagse historici die spore van rassisme uitwys tydens sy rol om apartheid tot stand te bring.