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Katrien, die King en die Kween

Katrien, die King en die Kween

Katrien, die King en die Kween

from 03 May 2025 19:00


Katrien, ’n voormalige kabaretster, en haar man, Donovan, is al ’n ewigheid vasgevang in die alledaagsheid van ’n dorpie sonder drome. Hul leënessindroom en ou verwyte maak hul dae lank en hul nagte stil. Wanneer die flambojante en geheimsinnige Merve onverwags uit Kaapstad opdaag en met sy klavier in die ou huis langsaan intrek, word Katrien en Donovan se vervelige roetine op sy kop gekeer. Deur humor, nostalgie en met splinternuwe musiek van David Kramer, word die karakters gekonfronteer met hul verlore drome, ’n wankelende huwelik en die moontlikheid van nuwe hoop.

Geen o/10 TV
Duration 75 min
No Interval

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

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KykNet Theatre, Cape Town  Location on Google Maps


Katrien, die King en die Kween

03 May 2025 19:00

R120 - R150

Katrien, a former cabaret star and her husband, Donovan, have been trapped in a small town with no dreams for what feels like an eternity. Their empty nest syndrome and old grievances make the days long and the nights silent. When the flamboyant and mysterious Merve unexpectedly arrives from Cape Town and moves into the house next door with his piano, Katrien and Donovan’s mundane routine is turned on its head. Through humour, nostalgia and with brand new music by David Kramer, the characters confront their lost dreams, a faltering marriage and the possibility of new hope.

No u/10 LP

04 May 2025 10:30

R120 - R150

Katrien, a former cabaret star and her husband, Donovan, have been trapped in a small town with no dreams for what feels like an eternity. Their empty nest syndrome and old grievances make the days long and the nights silent. When the flamboyant and mysterious Merve unexpectedly arrives from Cape Town and moves into the house next door with his piano, Katrien and Donovan’s mundane routine is turned on its head. Through humour, nostalgia and with brand new music by David Kramer, the characters confront their lost dreams, a faltering marriage and the possibility of new hope.

No u/10 LP

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