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Teater, woordkuns, musiek en dans word ingespan om ’n liefdesverhaal te vertel waarby twee bendegroepe op die dorpie Spoorvallei betrokke is. Die Hellas en die Pretty Boys is in konflik oor dinge soos jaloesie, erkenning, selfbeeld en respek. Dié jongmense deel dieselfde drome, maar sommiges s’n word net vinniger waar. Een ding is wel seker: Jy is nié jou adres nie! Ligweg geskoei op West Side Story en die aangrypende verhaal van Romeo en Juliet.
Duration 120min
No Interval
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.
Theatre, poetry, music and dance combine to tell a love story involving two gangs in the village of Spoorvallei. Rivals Hellas and the Pretty Boys are wrestling with similar issues: jealousy, recognition, self-image and respect. Yet, these youngsters also share the same dreams; it’s just that some dreams come true sooner! The only certainty in this story is: You are not your address! Loosely based on West Side Story and the moving tale of Romeo and Juliet.