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Aangebied deur RSG
Aanbieders Johan Rademan en Haidee Muller-Isaacs
Die gesoute RSG-omroepers Johan Rademan en Haidee Muller-Isaacs ontsluit die klankwêreld van radio en uitsaai. Van hoe om ’n onderhoud te voer, stories vertel en sportkommentaar tot die magiese landskappe van radiodrama word bespreek. Kom leer die fynere kunsies van uitsaai by twee van RSG se heel gewildste stemme.
Presented by RSG
Presenters: Johan Rademan and Haidee Muller-Isaacs
Experienced RSG broadcasters Johan Rademan and Haidee Muller-Isaacs unlock the world of sound in broadcasting for the radio. They cover everything, from how to conduct an interview, tell stories and do sport commentary, to the magical landscapes of radio drama. Join us to learn the fine art of broadcasting by two of RSG’s most popular voices.
Duration: 90 min; No interval
Language: Afrikaans
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.